Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil  - நல்ல எண்ணெய்  as rightly referred by in  தமிழ்  is one of the oldest  oil  known to mankind  is a nutritive oil with loads of nutrients and antioxidants like vitamin E so this oil is highly resistant to oxidative deterioration .

sesamolin , sesamin and the PUFA present in the oil helps  lower cholesterol level. Compounds including phytate and magnesium helps prevent diseases caused by free radicals.
Copper and zinc helps in production of RBC  and known to improve blood circulation , magnesium in sesame oil reduces blood pressure and sesamin in the oil helps improve liver function .
Zinc  present in the oil gives skin elasticity and slows down skin ageing and acne . Zinc , calcium and copper  the major minerals found in the oil  helps to improve bone health .
The oil is rich in essential ammio acids and protein .  Til oil also  prevents skin damage due to UV radiations . Tyrosine an amino acid in the oil helps improve blood circulation and gives a relaxed feeling.
see that you dont prefer oils which are highly refined because during refining the oil tends to lose the essential nurtients.
 For food engineering  students

major processing steps

Dehulling: removal of seed coat  is dehulling  involves soaking of seeds in water and removing hulls or by alkali treatment by using 0.6% NOAH for one minute
Roasting :  It is generally done to impart desired colour and flavour to  the oil
Extraction : it is done by hydraulic press or screw press
Refining : sesame oil does not require excessive refining ,  purification by settling , screening and filtering is all that is needed. degumming is also not needed as natural phospholipids are less in sesame oil.
  Next there will be posts on chocolates and raisins as Diwali is nearing . One more interesting post on processing of  roses  as well  will be added very soon . stay happy, healthy and informed as well.

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